Tomorrow is the 26th of September and it's my daughter's 8th birthday. Time seems to fly so fast when it was like yesterday that we celebrated her last birthday (that's also the day Storm Katsana/Ondoy terrorizes the metro). We went swimming that day and despite the fact that a storm is brewing and we have to conquer waist-high floods, we still had fun.

It's almost four years now since my wife left us. I'm always trying to give my daughter the life that she deserves. It's always a work in progress. Sooner or later I have to find a suitable mother for her. Living with us two will be a very hard task. We fight a lot and as you might have guessed, I always lose. I'm childish in a sense that even now I still play video games and watches cartoons. I had a pretty good life as a kid that's why I'm doing my best to provide my daughter the same. I admit I can't do it all, I still need a partner to help me raise her. My ex-wife isn't what you might call a mother material. She left me and Skye just when she was turning four years young. We haven't heard from her ever until recently. I know she went to Japan to pursue her dreams and who am I to deny her of that? My ex-wife, Mina, and I had gone through lots of hard times. I had loved her with everything and that's something I rarely give. As you may know by now, I am devastated how life turns out for us. All I have of her is a note, which was given to me the day she left, saying how much she loves me and that she'll come back to us. Fours years have passed and not a single word from her until recently that is. I found out that she's now living with a man and I can't help myself but cry. All these years, hoping one day she'll came back, have been all for nothing. I rejected reality for something I know wouldn't be mine again. Not only did I found out that she's with someone new, I also found out that she's now a completely different person. The once loving and caring person I knew changed into a greedy and materialistic bitch. I don't like to use that word but that's the only way I can describe her. She doesn't care anymore, even for her own daughter. I want to believe that it's only a nightmare and I will soon wake up, but who am I kidding. I have spent the last four years delusional, even neglecting my personal happiness for what? For someone who have lost their way? No, I can't do this no more.
Tomorrow is Skye's birthday and I plan to make it the happiest. I'll throw a party for her and give her the toy she's been wanting for. Tomorrow will be the greatest day ever!
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